Brand Focus: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Doug was asked to join the Patent Public Advisory Committee (PPAC) by chief judiciary Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner and the Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez as a means of representing inventors on the prestigious USPTO council in Washington, D.C. This request was based on his numerous patents, inventions, and passion for the individual rights of the inventor. After a few months of interaction in numerous meetings with a wide array of governmental groups, Doug created a process to fix the problems presented to him.
By breaking a problem down into its core simplistic elements using the building blocks of creativity, you use an intuitive process of imagination that unleashes virtually limitless ideas.” - Doug Patton
Upon seeing Doug’s plan, Jon Dudas, the director of the USPTO, immediately put it into action. Mr. Patton was assigned staff in Washington, D.C., and he embarked on a 2-year creative process using the invention problem-solving tools he had developed. Over a hundred diverse groups that had never agreed on solutions previously began to agree on Doug’s proposed solutions at this time.
Many solutions were implemented within the USPTO that helped both individual inventors and large corporations, making the patent process more responsive, accurate, and timely.